That have all the options for the model like the Razorback in the 5th edition marine codex has options for assualt cannons, twin linked plasma guns and a las cannon, for me this urks me off something cronic.
What are your thoughs? Are you urked off like me?
I feel you Dee, I really do! It is really irritating that we must convert more than half of the weapons options if we want to use them.
I'm a dieing for the day the GW re-cuts the Razorback kit.
I have to wait untill bitsandkits stocks up on assault cannons so I can get some for Alpha 1 and 2.
I agree - but us Space Marine players are laughing compared to other Armies.
I make sure that I don't glue my bits like that on - so I have twin assault cannons, lascannons and heavy bolters - and am thinking of getting FW bits to double up on items I want to use.
when there was a shortage of missile launcers on the metal scouts I think I was the one who had a missile launcher from the old metal shock troops in place of a bolt pistol. (this was in the 1990's)
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